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Timesheet Submissions

To ensure all TSG contractors and employees are paid on time, please have your timesheet submitted and approved as per your office/site location requirements.

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that their timesheet is submitted to TSG’s accounting department by the required cut-off times to ensure payment is processed on time. Please see our posted Payday Schedule for specific times and dates. If an approval has not been received by the cut-off time, please submit an unapproved timesheet, and send an approved copy by the next business day.

Timesheets are to be submitted to the email provided upon your onboarding. Please use the supplied timesheet and follow any instructions that may have been provided.

Please note: In the event a timesheet is late, not authorized, or inaccurate, a delay in payment may result.

Payroll is processed in accordance with approved timesheets and labour standards. TSG cannot be held liable in the event inaccurate information has been supplied to TSG.

If you have questions regarding payroll, please contact TSG’s Accounting Department at (780) 410-3850.