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TSG’s COVID-19 Preparedness Plan consists of four main components:

  1. Communication
  2. Prevention / Containment
  3. Preparation / Mitigation
  4. Additional Considerations


Prevention / Containment


  • Manage and facilitate site or office vaccination programs or alternatively, for unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated staff and contractors, arrange testing before entering site or office locations.


  • Implement travel restrictions for non-essential travel, until a time in which all travel restrictions have been lifted.
  • When assigned to client sites: Direct contractors to adhere to any site-specific guidelines/rules and assist both clients and contractors in communication.

Working from home:

  • Enable individuals who can work from home to do so. A work from home policy has been implemented for TSG staff. This will remain in place until future notice.
  • When assigned to client sites: If a client site has the ability for contractors to work from home and the role is such that this can be done effectively, assist in the implantation of any contractors that can do so. Continue to encourage the client/site managers to make arrangements where possible.

Essential workers / critical for site operation:

  • To ensure the health and safety of all employees and contractors, recommend Social Distancing precautions such as keeping a distance of 2 meters from one another when at site.
  • Advise contractors to make sure all working surfaces are cleaned and disinfected periodically and on a daily basis. This applies for the COVID-19 pandemic and for any future pandemics.
  • Advise TSG staff and contractors that hand washing facilities, hand sanitizers, tissues, no touch trash cans, hand soap and disposable towels are available.


  • Only internal TSG Staff will be allowed in TSG offices.
  • Contractors assigned to client sites: Direct contractors to adhere to any site-specific guidelines and assist both clients and contractors in communication.
  • Train/communicate with all internal TSG staff and Contractors assigned to client sites on:

Train / communicate with all internal TSG staff and Contractors assigned to client sites on:

  • Prevention
  • Symptoms of COVID-19
  • What to do in the event of a presumptive or diagnosed case of COVID-19
  • All TSG staff and all contractors are instructed to stay home if diagnosed with COVID-19, if caring for others in their home who are diagnosed with COVID-19, or if displaying flu-like symptoms as per the recommendation of government health organizations (e.g., Government of Canada and Provincial Health Organizations). 
  • All internal TSG staff and contractors are to follow regional public health restrictions on mass gatherings and events. 

Preparation / Mitigation

  • TSG Managers are to identify resources required to keep critical TSG business functions running.
  • Ask the contractor for notification of either a diagnosis or presumptive case of COVID-19. If that contractor has been to the client site within the last 14 days, notify client in a manner that is compliant with privacy regulations.
  • Follow all quarantine rules set out by the Government of Canada, Provinces, and/or by client site.
  • Maintain contact with any contractors who have diagnosed or presumptive case of COVID-19.
  • Anyone who has been travelling out of Canada must self-quarantine for 14 days upon returning to Canada. Instruct contractor to check with site manager and TSG representative to determine if this is a requirement.
  • Maintain communication with client sites and help with the transfer of information. Recommend implementing a work from home initiative where possible. Offer TSG payrolling services for clients that require temporary resources to hire staff immediately for critical role functions.
  • For contractors who are not considered essential workers and are not able to complete their assignment from home, supply suitable and up-to-date information on government resources.

Coverage for illness:

  • Internal TSG staff:  TSG internal staff are cross trained extensively. This redundancy is a key component of ensuring ongoing operations in the event of a high percentage of employees becoming ill.  Transition cross-trained employees as necessary to cover critical function.
  • Coverage for contractors assigned to client sites. We continue to recruit for positions that clients tell us are “critical” for their operations, as per directions of managers.
  • Maintain communication with client sites and help with the transfer of information. Recommend implementing a work from home initiative where possible. Offer TSG payrolling services for clients that require temporary resources to hire staff immediately for critical role functions.
  • For contractors who are not considered essential workers and are not able to complete their assignment from home, supply suitable and up-to-date information on government resources.

Additional Considerations

  • Ensure that medical information is handled in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Ensure policies are within workers’ rights under provincial Labour Standards.
  • Continue overall recruiting for roles that client identifies as critical to operations to mitigate possible absenteeism.
  • Work together with each site to implement site specific guidelines.
  • This plan is specific to COVID-19 but can be modified as necessary to pertain to any other pandemics that should arise, or as more information becomes available.
  • Following the current and any future pandemic events, TSG will debrief internally and with clients to determine lessons learned to be applied generally.